Category: Labour Law

What obligations will companies have to comply wit […] What obligations will companies have to comply with the reduction of working hours to 37.5 hours per week?

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Reducción jornada laboral máxima
The reduction of the maximum working week of 40 hours per week in annual calculation, which is currently included in article 34 of the Workers’ Statute, is one of the commitments included in the government pact signed at the time between PSOE and SUMAR, which established a reduction of the maximum working week to 37.5 […]
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Does the employee have to give notice of absence d […] Does the employee have to give notice of absence due to medical leave?

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Baja médica por Incapacidad Temporal
Although it is no longer compulsory for employees to provide the company with the sick leave, confirmation and discharge report, it is possible to require them to notify the company of their absence due to Temporary Incapacity. In this article, we analyse the conditions that the company may require employees to fulfil in relation to […]
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Collective labour measures in bankruptcy proceedin […] Collective labour measures in bankruptcy proceedings

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concurso de acreedores
Although it is always advisable to adopt labour-related measures before the company has been forced to initiate a bankruptcy proceeding, as this could be avoided by adjusting certain aspects linked to the employment contracts of the people who form part of the workforce, the truth is that on certain occasions this is not possible. However, […]
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