Category: Laboral

Can I fire someone who has tried to steal from the […] Can I fire someone who has tried to steal from the company?

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Despedir a un empleado
Unfortunately, it is quite often the case that a worker appropriates or steals (the difference between “theft” and “robbery” is basically that for “robbery” to occur, it must have been done by force, intimidation or violence against persons or things) objects or items belonging to the company, his or her employer. When this happens to […]
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Penalties for non-compliance with obligations rela […] Penalties for non-compliance with obligations relating to the Equality Plan.

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Fondo claro
Having an approved and implemented equality plan is an obligation from the 7th of March 2021 for companies with between 101 to 150 employees. It should be remembered that this obligation was already binding for companies with more than 150 employees. Now companies with 50 or more employees will also have to comply with it. […]
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When does it consider the existence worker’s illeg […] When does it consider the existence worker’s illegal transfer?

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Fondo oscuro
It is increasingly common for companies to organize the development of their business activity, through figures known as outsourcing. This term implies a cost reduction and limitation of liability of the “client company”, to which such services are provided, derived from the labour relations with the persons providing those external services from which they benefit, […]
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When a group of businesses is considered to be at […] When a group of businesses is considered to be at labour level?

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Fondo oscuro
Many of our clients maintain a structure with various interrelated corporate organizations, but ignore exactly which are the consequences that this act can lead to. This is why we should differentiate between “a group of businesses” and “business group”. The first concept is safer in terms of the possible consequences in a labour level, while […]
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