Category: Family Business
The investment industry is continuously growing in Spain and gaining more and more weight. In our recent publications, we have tried to explain the main characteristics of some investment vehicles such as the Free Investment Companies or Closed-Ended Investment Companies (SICC). Along the same lines, in this article we are going to analyse the tax […]
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Tax implications of the exit of a shareholder from […] Tax implications of the exit of a shareholder from the shareholder structure
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In family businesses, it is common to find certain corporate conflicts that can be resolved with the exit of the dissatisfied partner (or partners). In this article, we will explain the tax implications of the exit of a partner from the shareholding of a business entity. This issue is covered by the Capital Companies Act […]
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Exemptions for family businesses: I have a company […] Exemptions for family businesses: I have a company that leases real estate, what are the consequences for wealth tax?
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As we mentioned in a previous post, the value of the shares held must be declared in the Wealth Tax (IP). As a reminder, in that article we also commented on the so-called “family business exemption”, which is established in article 4-Eight-Two of Law 19/1991, of 6 June (LIP). In this new article, we analyse […]
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REIT as a problem-solving tool in family businesse […] REIT as a problem-solving tool in family businesses: tax advantages and legal regime
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One of the common grounds for disputes within the family businesses, especially when it comes to the second or third generation, is the distinction between partners who participate in the management or activity of the company, and partners who do not. It is normal that, either because of capacity or quantity, not everyone can obtain […]
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