Category: corporate law

How and why should I register my trademark? How and why should I register my trademark?

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Closeup of entrepreneur making notes in document
In a globalised and highly competitive world, intangible assets have become one of the most valuable elements of companies, as they not only reflect the economic figures of the business, but also represent the corporate identity, the perception of clients and the reputation of the company. The annual report prepared by Interbrand in 2023, in […]
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The international joint venture agreement as a for […] The international joint venture agreement as a formula to internationalise a business

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Welcoming partner
Many clients come to law firms to tell us that they intend to manufacture their products abroad or to internationalise their business by selling their products or services in other markets they do not yet reach. On many occasions, moreover, clients tell us that they want (or need) to internationalise their activity with a local […]
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How can I protect my clients, suppliers and employ […] How can I protect my clients, suppliers and employees in cooperation agreements with third parties?

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Mecanismos de protección en colaboración con terceros
Entering into partnerships with third parties outside our company is key to business growth, enabling companies to leverage synergies, expand market reach and improve operational efficiency. However, in most cases, these agreements involve third parties having access to sensitive data about our organisation, such as our network of clients, suppliers or employees. Therefore, in addition […]
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Representation and Warranties Insurance in M& […] Representation and Warranties Insurance in M&A transactions

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It is becoming increasingly common to use representation and warranties insurance policies (known as R&W insurance or W&l insurance) in M&A transactions. These insurances allow the compensation that the seller must pay to the buyer, for certain damages caused because of the breach of contract, to be paid directly by an insurer in exchange for […]
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Is it necessary to disburse 3,000 EUROS to set up […] Is it necessary to disburse 3,000 EUROS to set up a limited liability company?

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Fondo oscuro
Without prejudice to the possibility of not providing proof of the reality of the contributions in Limited Liability Companies in accordance with art. 62. 2 of Article 62 of the Consolidated Text of the Capital Companies Act – a matter that was already dealt with in a previous post – the fact is that the […]
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Criminal liability for forgery in the minutes of c […] Criminal liability for forgery in the minutes of collegiate bodies.

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Fondo claro
Company directors may be criminally liable for the offence of falsification of a commercial document when they certify resolutions adopted at non-existent meetings or record the attendance at the meeting of shareholders who did not attend. In this sense, case law classifies the certifications of company meetings that were not even held and which, therefore, […]
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Zombie Companies: Implications of corporate inacti […] Zombie Companies: Implications of corporate inactivity.

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Fondo oscuro
It is not unknown that some businessmen have opted over the years to leave their companies “inactive” when, in fact, they should have opted for their dissolution and liquidation before they became the so-called “Zombie Companies”. The purpose of this decision was none other than to avoid considerable dissolution and liquidation costs (basically, the formal […]
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