Category: Company Law

What can be contributed to the capital of a commer […] What can be contributed to the capital of a commercial company in addition to money?

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aportaciones-de-capital (1)
It is not uncommon for those who are considering setting up a company or increasing its share capital to have doubts about what can be contributed to the share capital of a company, apart from money (and enthusiasm). In technical terms, the question here is what can be considered legally valid as a non-monetary contribution, […]
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Who is entitled to attend a General Meeting? Who is entitled to attend a General Meeting?

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Checking contract terms
The Shareholders General Meeting is the sovereign body of trading companies, and its powers include such important competences as the approval of the company’s annual accounts and the appointment and removal of its directors. Regulation of the entitlement to attend a Shareholders General Meeting by the Corporate Enterprises Act The Corporate Enterprises Act regulates the right of […]
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REIT as a problem-solving tool in family businesse […] REIT as a problem-solving tool in family businesses: tax advantages and legal regime

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empresa familiar SOCIMI
One of the common grounds for disputes within the family businesses, especially when it comes to the second or third generation, is the distinction between partners who participate in the management or activity of the company, and partners who do not. It is normal that, either because of capacity or quantity, not everyone can obtain […]
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Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appo […] Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appoint one?

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Fondo claro
The legal adviser to the administrative body is a figure regulated by Law 39/1975 of the 31st of October, still in force, whose function is to advise on due compliance with the legality of the adopted Agreements. That said, and although it is applicable to any administrative body (sole administrator, several joint/solidary administrators and/or Board […]
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What is a “drag along” clause? What is a “drag along” clause?

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Fondo oscuro
In today’s blog post for Devesa & Calvo Abogados Alicante and Valencia, I am going to refer to the “drag along” clause, also known as drag along right. This type of clause is often used in our professional practice to protect those clients who wish to have the possibility of closing a good business deal […]
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Zombie Companies: Implications of corporate inacti […] Zombie Companies: Implications of corporate inactivity.

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Fondo oscuro
It is not unknown that some businessmen have opted over the years to leave their companies “inactive” when, in fact, they should have opted for their dissolution and liquidation before they became the so-called “Zombie Companies”. The purpose of this decision was none other than to avoid considerable dissolution and liquidation costs (basically, the formal […]
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The figure of the Sole Manager in the Temporary Un […] The figure of the Sole Manager in the Temporary Union of Companies (UTE’s).

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Fondo oscuro
The only legal provision referring to the U.T.E’s organization  mode is the requirement of “Single Manager” figure, which is constituted as the single representative entity of the temporary union and, therefore, will have representation powers in the negotiation and procedure areas. In the applicable legislation, we can find the following references to this figure: “There […]
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The Register Book of Partnership or Register Book […] The Register Book of Partnership or Register Book of Contracts between the Single-Member Company and Sole Shareholder.

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Fondo oscuro
Should a Single-Member Company present a Register Book of Partners or Register Book of Nominative Shares? It is known, that the administrative body of limited liability companies is obligated to maintain and present a Registration book of Partners, which should contain as follows: (i) the statement of the shares (complete identification, nationality, and address) and […]
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The promissory note in asset acquisition operation […] The promissory note in asset acquisition operations.

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Fondo oscuro
The promissory note is an instrument used oftentimes in international operations for asset acquisitions, by virtue of which one part (issuer) undertakes to finance the other (beneficiary) a certain amount of money. Although the common thing is that the promissory note makes the funds available in favour of the beneficiary upon prior fulfilment of certain […]
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