Category: Company Law

The Board of Directors’ Regulations: what ar […] The Board of Directors’ Regulations: what are they and when are they mandatory?

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Working at conference
Within the Spanish legal system, legal entities are regulated and governed by two main bodies; (i) the General Meeting and; (ii) the Administrative Body, the latter being in charge of the management and representation of the Company. Thus, Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, which approves the revised text of the Corporate Enterprises Act […]
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Legitimisation to challenge corporate resolutions […] Legitimisation to challenge corporate resolutions in court

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Impugnación acuerdos sociales
Article 206 of the Caorporate Enterprises Act regulates the standing to challenge corporate resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of a commercial company. Percentage of share capital required to challenge company resolutions In principle, any of the directors, third parties with a legitimate interest and shareholders who have acquired such status prior to the adoption […]
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Exemptions for family businesses: I have a company […] Exemptions for family businesses: I have a company that leases real estate, what are the consequences for wealth tax?

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Arrendamiento bienes inmuebles
As we mentioned in a previous post, the value of the shares held must be declared in the Wealth Tax (IP). As a reminder, in that article we also commented on the so-called “family business exemption”, which is established in article 4-Eight-Two of Law 19/1991, of 6 June (LIP). In this new article, we analyse […]
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About takeover bids: What are they and how do they […] About takeover bids: What are they and how do they work?

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Team Business professionals working together at office wooden de
Takeover bids in Spain represent a crucial mechanism within the legal and financial framework for the acquisition of shares of listed companies in the Spanish market. What is a takeover bid? A takeover bid is a transaction whereby all the shareholders of a listed company are offered to acquire its shares or any securities that […]
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The international joint venture agreement as a for […] The international joint venture agreement as a formula to internationalise a business

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Welcoming partner
Many clients come to law firms to tell us that they intend to manufacture their products abroad or to internationalise their business by selling their products or services in other markets they do not yet reach. On many occasions, moreover, clients tell us that they want (or need) to internationalise their activity with a local […]
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How can I protect my clients, suppliers and employ […] How can I protect my clients, suppliers and employees in cooperation agreements with third parties?

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Mecanismos de protección en colaboración con terceros
Entering into partnerships with third parties outside our company is key to business growth, enabling companies to leverage synergies, expand market reach and improve operational efficiency. However, in most cases, these agreements involve third parties having access to sensitive data about our organisation, such as our network of clients, suppliers or employees. Therefore, in addition […]
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Usufruct of shares: rights of the bare owner and t […] Usufruct of shares: rights of the bare owner and the usufructuary

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usufructo de acciones
In the corporate life of public limited companies, we often encounter the existence of a real right of usufruct over certain shares. This is usually, but not always, preceded by inheritance processes within family companies. When there is a usufruct of shares, two profiles come into play: the bare owner and the usufructuary. In this […]
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What is a business code of ethics and why is it im […] What is a business code of ethics and why is it important?

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codigo deontologico
At the heart of the fabric of any company, large or small, is a set of core values that guide its behaviour and decision-making. These values not only define the company’s identity, but also shape its relationship with clients, employees, partners and society at large. One of the most solid pillars underpinning these values is […]
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What can be contributed to the capital of a commer […] What can be contributed to the capital of a commercial company in addition to money?

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aportaciones-de-capital (1)
It is not uncommon for those who are considering setting up a company or increasing its share capital to have doubts about what can be contributed to the share capital of a company, apart from money (and enthusiasm). In technical terms, the question here is what can be considered legally valid as a non-monetary contribution, […]
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Who is entitled to attend a General Meeting? Who is entitled to attend a General Meeting?

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Checking contract terms
The Shareholders General Meeting is the sovereign body of trading companies, and its powers include such important competences as the approval of the company’s annual accounts and the appointment and removal of its directors. Regulation of the entitlement to attend a Shareholders General Meeting by the Corporate Enterprises Act The Corporate Enterprises Act regulates the right of […]
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