Category: administrators

The prohibition of competition by directors: a mec […] The prohibition of competition by directors: a mechanism to prevent unfair competition

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The prohibition of competition by directors: a mechanism to prevent unfair competition
Corporate governance carries with it a great deal of responsibility. A major concern is the potential conflict of interest of directors. In certain cases, a director could take advantage of his position to establish his own company, which is a direct competitor of the company he manages, thus diverting business opportunities or valuable resources to […]
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Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appo […] Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appoint one?

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Fondo claro
The legal adviser to the administrative body is a figure regulated by Law 39/1975 of the 31st of October, still in force, whose function is to advise on due compliance with the legality of the adopted Agreements. That said, and although it is applicable to any administrative body (sole administrator, several joint/solidary administrators and/or Board […]
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Legal entity administrator. Basic concepts. Legal entity administrator. Basic concepts.

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Fondo claro
There are many doubts that arise when deciding to appoint a legal entity administrator of another company and, for this reason, the matter should be studied in depth before making decisions. Mainly, administrators (or potential administrators) are usually interested in this option to try to protect themselves regarding the liabilities that may arise from its […]
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The figure of the Sole Manager in the Temporary Un […] The figure of the Sole Manager in the Temporary Union of Companies (UTE’s).

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Fondo oscuro
The only legal provision referring to the U.T.E’s organization  mode is the requirement of “Single Manager” figure, which is constituted as the single representative entity of the temporary union and, therefore, will have representation powers in the negotiation and procedure areas. In the applicable legislation, we can find the following references to this figure: “There […]
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The Register Book of Partnership or Register Book […] The Register Book of Partnership or Register Book of Contracts between the Single-Member Company and Sole Shareholder.

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Should a Single-Member Company present a Register Book of Partners or Register Book of Nominative Shares? It is known, that the administrative body of limited liability companies is obligated to maintain and present a Registration book of Partners, which should contain as follows: (i) the statement of the shares (complete identification, nationality, and address) and […]
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The statutory stipulations of the remuneration to […] The statutory stipulations of the remuneration to the Administrators and their effects on the deductibility of the corpo […]

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In this blog post, we are going to deal with content that often is unnoticed by the small and medium-sized companies, being able to be a main contingency focus with the tax authorities if the proper compliance of the commercial regulations is not adequately revised. In the first place, we must attend to the corporate […]
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Appointment of Administrators: General rule and ex […] Appointment of Administrators: General rule and exceptions.

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Fondo oscuro
How and who can appoint an administrator? As a general rule and with a few exceptions, the competence for appointing and administrator lies with the General Meeting of Shareholders. Furthermore, this is an exclusive competence, so it cannot be delegated neither to the shareholders individually, nor to the administrative body. The appointment will need the […]
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Differences between voluntary and involuntary inso […] Differences between voluntary and involuntary insolvency proceedings.

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Fondo oscuro
The main conceptual difference between voluntary and involuntary insolvency proceedings is determined by whoever has initiated the proceedings. In this sense, if the application for insolvency proceedings has been made by the debtor itself, it will be considered such a voluntary insolvency proceeding (in Spanish, “Concurso Voluntario”), and the administrative body of the Company will […]
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The so called “pre-bankruptcy proceeding” in Spain […] The so called “pre-bankruptcy proceeding” in Spain during the State of Alert

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Article 5 of the Bankruptcy Law states that “the debtor must request the declaration of bankruptcy within two months counted from the date on which it knew or should have known about the insolvency”. However, Article 43 of the very new Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of March 17th establishes that while the state of alert […]
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