Category: administrative law

We all know that members play a vital role in boards and meetings, not only because of the information they receive, but also because they usually take part in decision-making process. That is why the co-optation procedure is considered as particularly important (at least in Corporations): As per article 224 of the Spanish Law of […]
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Legal entity administrator. Basic concepts. Legal entity administrator. Basic concepts.
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There are many doubts that arise when deciding to appoint a legal entity administrator of another company and, for this reason, the matter should be studied in depth before making decisions. Mainly, administrators (or potential administrators) are usually interested in this option to try to protect themselves regarding the liabilities that may arise from its […]
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Hotels purchase: legal keys. Hotels purchase: legal keys.
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After participating in numerous hotel acquisition processes from the point of view of negotiation and operational legal advice, one learns to detect which are the aspects that can potentially entail the greatest legal contingencies in this sector. These are issues that, if are not properly analyzed within the framework of a prior due diligence work, […]
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