
Blog, Tax
Revocación del NIF

What circumstances lead to the revocation of the NIF (TIN), consequences and how to amend the revocation

As a general rule, anyone who is going to carry out transactions with tax implications must have a NIF (TIN/Tax Identification Number), except for certain exceptions provided for in Royal Decree 1065/2007. This can be obtained either at the request of the interested party, by filing the corresponding census declaration of registration in the Census […]
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Blog, labor
Plan LGTBI en empresas

What is the LGBTI plan for companies?

Is it compulsory to have an LGBTI Equality Plan in the company? From 2 March 2024 it will be compulsory for all companies with more than 50 employees. We already predicted in the negotiations of equality plans between women and men in the business sphere that we would soon find ourselves having to negotiate plans […]
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Blog, labor, Laboral
Exenciones en indemnización por despido

Exemptions from severance payments: requirements and applicability

Are all severance payments exempt? Firstly, we must refer to the Personal Income Tax Law, which establishes in article 7. e) that they are exempt: «Compensation for dismissal or termination of employment, in the amount compulsorily established in the Workers’ Statute, in its implementing regulations or, where applicable, in the regulations governing the enforcement of […]
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Blog, Economy, Tax
Fiscalidad de las criptomonedas en el extranjero

I have cryptocurrencies abroad, do I have to declare them?

From 11 July 2021, the obligation to provide information to the Tax Administration on the holding and transactions carried out with virtual currencies (acquisition, transmission, exchange, transfer, collections and payments), as well as the holding of those located abroad, will be established. This obligation was introduced by Law 11/2021 of 9 July on measures to […]
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blog, Blog

Parties subject to the regulations on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing by sector or group of a […]

Parties subject to the regulations on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing by sector or group of activity. The basic regulations governing the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing in Spain consist of two fundamental pillars: Law 10/2010, of 28 April, on the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing, and Royal […]
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Blog, Company Law, Family Business, Real Estate Law, Tax
empresa familiar SOCIMI

REIT as a problem-solving tool in family businesses: tax advantages and legal regime

One of the common grounds for disputes within the family businesses, especially when it comes to the second or third generation, is the distinction between partners who participate in the management or activity of the company, and partners who do not. It is normal that, either because of capacity or quantity, not everyone can obtain […]
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