
administrators, Blog, company
Fondo oscuro

Differences between voluntary and involuntary insolvency proceedings.

The main conceptual difference between voluntary and involuntary insolvency proceedings is determined by whoever has initiated the proceedings. In this sense, if the application for insolvency proceedings has been made by the debtor itself, it will be considered such a voluntary insolvency proceeding (in Spanish, “Concurso Voluntario”), and the administrative body of the Company will […]
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administrators, Blog, company
Fondo oscuro

The so called “pre-bankruptcy proceeding” in Spain during the State of Alert

Article 5 of the Bankruptcy Law states that “the debtor must request the declaration of bankruptcy within two months counted from the date on which it knew or should have known about the insolvency”. However, Article 43 of the very new Royal Decree Law 8/2020 of March 17th establishes that while the state of alert […]
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