
Blog, penal
forthcoming amendment of the Criminal Code

The forthcoming amendment of the Criminal Code on offences concerning financial markets

The Council of Ministers has recently approved the Preliminary Draft Bill amending the Criminal Code to transpose directives on the fight against fraud and counterfeiting of means of payment. The new law transposes three EU directives into Spanish law: Directive (EU) 2019/713 on combating fraud and counterfeiting of non-cash means of payment; Directive 2014/57 (EU) […]
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Blog, company, legal, societies
Fondo claro

The distribution of dividends.

The participation of individuals and legal entities in a company is done with the hope that the company will make a profit. Shareholders or partners are given the opportunity to collect the profits of the investment made in the company, established in our legal system as a mere expectation, by what we call dividends. These […]
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Blog, company, Due Deligence
Fondo oscuro

What is the purpose of a due diligence in the acquisition of companies? Is it worth the investment?

A due diligence is an investigation process of one or more assets, which may well be of a company or a group of companies. However, before entering into this “indirect” acquisition process (decision to acquire the company as means of acquiring the assets and liabilities contained therein), we should ask ourselves whether it is more favourable, […]
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administrators, Blog, company, Company Law, legal
Fondo claro

Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appoint one?

The legal adviser to the administrative body is a figure regulated by Law 39/1975 of the 31st of October, still in force, whose function is to advise on due compliance with the legality of the adopted Agreements. That said, and although it is applicable to any administrative body (sole administrator, several joint/solidary administrators and/or Board […]
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Blog, corporate law, societies
Fondo oscuro

Is it necessary to disburse 3,000 EUROS to set up a limited liability company?

Without prejudice to the possibility of not providing proof of the reality of the contributions in Limited Liability Companies in accordance with art. 62. 2 of Article 62 of the Consolidated Text of the Capital Companies Act – a matter that was already dealt with in a previous post – the fact is that the […]
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Blog, mercantil, Trade
Fondo oscuro

Comfort letter or sponsorship letter. Concept and purposes.

What is a comfort letter? A comfort letter or sponsorship letter is a commercial contract, by virtue of which one of the parties (issuer or sponsor) responds and/or guarantees the other (beneficiary or sponsored party) against third parties and regarding specific obligations. It would fall within the legal business of guarantee. It is also sometimes […]
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