Month: April 2024

Electronic judicial notice to businesses Electronic judicial notice to businesses

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La notificación electrónica judicial a las empresas
Reform of the Civil Proceedings Law Royal Decree-Law 6/2023 of 19 December, approving urgent measures for the implementation of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in the areas of public service of justice, civil service, local government and patronage, has thoroughly reformed the Civil Procedure Act. How to notify a civil judicial procedure to a […]
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Case of disciplinary dismissal for failure to comp […] Case of disciplinary dismissal for failure to comply with the duty to record working hours and other obligations

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Devesa incrementa su volumen de negocio
With effect from 21 March 2023, a company dedicated to the marketing of medical products dismissed one of its sales representatives for repeated disobedience and fraud, disloyalty or breach of trust in the tasks entrusted to her by failing to comply with the duty to record her daily working hours, having been requested on numerous […]
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The application for an arrangement with creditors […] The application for an arrangement with creditors of a company at the request of one of its creditors

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Discussing business plan
Insolvency law provides for the possibility for a creditor to request the declaration of insolvency (insolvency proceedings) of a company against which it has an unsatisfied claim. It should be specified that a creditor who, within the six months prior to the lodging of the application, has acquired the claim by inter vivos acts and […]
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Devesa advises Roman on acquisition of Villafañe & […] Devesa advises Roman on acquisition of Villafañe & Asociados

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Blog Devesa
Devesa Abogados has advised Roman on the acquisition of 100% of the share capital of Villafañe & Asociados Consultores, a leading company in Spain in the definition and mediation of corporate reputation Roman is a communications consultancy firm that, with more than 30 years of track record and a team of more than 200 consultants […]
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Devesa increases turnover by 41% in 2023 to €2.2M Devesa increases turnover by 41% in 2023 to €2.2M

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ofi devesa (1)
The law firm has posted more than eight years of growth of more than 30% and is consolidating its national expansion. Devesa has ended the 2023 financial year with a 40% increase in turnover, up to €2.2M. Devesa, which already has offices in Alicante, Madrid and Valencia, has thus achieved eight consecutive years of growth […]
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Collective labour measures in bankruptcy proceedin […] Collective labour measures in bankruptcy proceedings

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concurso de acreedores
Although it is always advisable to adopt labour-related measures before the company has been forced to initiate a bankruptcy proceeding, as this could be avoided by adjusting certain aspects linked to the employment contracts of the people who form part of the workforce, the truth is that on certain occasions this is not possible. However, […]
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Usufruct of shares: rights of the bare owner and t […] Usufruct of shares: rights of the bare owner and the usufructuary

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usufructo de acciones
In the corporate life of public limited companies, we often encounter the existence of a real right of usufruct over certain shares. This is usually, but not always, preceded by inheritance processes within family companies. When there is a usufruct of shares, two profiles come into play: the bare owner and the usufructuary. In this […]
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What is a business code of ethics and why is it im […] What is a business code of ethics and why is it important?

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codigo deontologico
At the heart of the fabric of any company, large or small, is a set of core values that guide its behaviour and decision-making. These values not only define the company’s identity, but also shape its relationship with clients, employees, partners and society at large. One of the most solid pillars underpinning these values is […]
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Do I have to declare my shares in a company for we […] Do I have to declare my shares in a company for wealth tax purposes?

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Impuesto patrimonio
As is well known, the voluntary period for filing Personal Income Tax (hereinafter, “IRPF”) and Wealth Tax (hereinafter, “IP”) for the 2023 tax year opened on 3 April. This voluntary filing period will end on 1 July. In this blog post, we are going to focus exclusively on the IP and, specifically, on the obligation […]
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What can be contributed to the capital of a commer […] What can be contributed to the capital of a commercial company in addition to money?

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aportaciones-de-capital (1)
It is not uncommon for those who are considering setting up a company or increasing its share capital to have doubts about what can be contributed to the share capital of a company, apart from money (and enthusiasm). In technical terms, the question here is what can be considered legally valid as a non-monetary contribution, […]
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