Month: November 2023

Tax offence. Circumstances for its assessment. App […] Tax offence. Circumstances for its assessment. Applicable penalties and how to avoid them.

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Delito fiscal - Blog DEVESA
What is a tax crime? The first thing to be clear about a tax offence (or, as the Criminal Code calls it, “offence against the Public Treasury”) is that it is a crime that cannot be committed by everyone, since it involves having defrauded the Treasury (whether at state, regional, provincial, or local level) of […]
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Can I fire someone who has tried to steal from the […] Can I fire someone who has tried to steal from the company?

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Despedir a un empleado
Unfortunately, it is quite often the case that a worker appropriates or steals (the difference between “theft” and “robbery” is basically that for “robbery” to occur, it must have been done by force, intimidation or violence against persons or things) objects or items belonging to the company, his or her employer. When this happens to […]
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