Month: October 2021

What is the purpose of a due diligence in the acqu […] What is the purpose of a due diligence in the acquisition of companies? Is it worth the investment?

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Fondo oscuro
A due diligence is an investigation process of one or more assets, which may well be of a company or a group of companies. However, before entering into this “indirect” acquisition process (decision to acquire the company as means of acquiring the assets and liabilities contained therein), we should ask ourselves whether it is more favourable, […]
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Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appo […] Legal adviser: Which companies are obliged to appoint one?

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Fondo claro
The legal adviser to the administrative body is a figure regulated by Law 39/1975 of the 31st of October, still in force, whose function is to advise on due compliance with the legality of the adopted Agreements. That said, and although it is applicable to any administrative body (sole administrator, several joint/solidary administrators and/or Board […]
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