Month: July 2021

Is it necessary to disburse 3,000 EUROS to set up […] Is it necessary to disburse 3,000 EUROS to set up a limited liability company?

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Fondo oscuro
Without prejudice to the possibility of not providing proof of the reality of the contributions in Limited Liability Companies in accordance with art. 62. 2 of Article 62 of the Consolidated Text of the Capital Companies Act – a matter that was already dealt with in a previous post – the fact is that the […]
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Comfort letter or sponsorship letter. Concept and […] Comfort letter or sponsorship letter. Concept and purposes.

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Fondo oscuro
What is a comfort letter? A comfort letter or sponsorship letter is a commercial contract, by virtue of which one of the parties (issuer or sponsor) responds and/or guarantees the other (beneficiary or sponsored party) against third parties and regarding specific obligations. It would fall within the legal business of guarantee. It is also sometimes […]
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Criminal liability for forgery in the minutes of c […] Criminal liability for forgery in the minutes of collegiate bodies.

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Fondo claro
Company directors may be criminally liable for the offence of falsification of a commercial document when they certify resolutions adopted at non-existent meetings or record the attendance at the meeting of shareholders who did not attend. In this sense, case law classifies the certifications of company meetings that were not even held and which, therefore, […]
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The Preparatory Phase of the sale of companies. The Preparatory Phase of the sale of companies.

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Fondo oscuro
When it is decided to enter into negotiations to carry out a sale of a company or part of its shareholding, the preparatory phase (prior to the signing of the sales contract or Shares Purchase Agreement “SPA”) is of great importance, and can frustrate the operation as a whole if it is not given the […]
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