Month: February 2021

What value does a real estate Due Diligence bring […] What value does a real estate Due Diligence bring to the investor?

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Fondo oscuro
Due diligence is a verification process of possible contingencies and risks of a certain asset or company in operation. Is an essential precaution to avoid the frustration of the investor’s acquisition profitability expectations. In addition, as we know from self-experience at Devesa & Calvo Abogados, sometimes it is the seller himself who previously commissions professionals […]
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Hotels purchase: legal keys. Hotels purchase: legal keys.

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Fondo oscuro
After participating in numerous hotel acquisition processes from the point of view of negotiation and operational legal advice, one learns to detect which are the aspects that can potentially entail the greatest legal contingencies in this sector. These are issues that, if are not properly analyzed within the framework of a prior due diligence work, […]
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