Month: January 2021

What documentation is the entrepreneur required in […] What documentation is the entrepreneur required in order to request an insolvency proceeding?

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Fondo oscuro
According to the law the insolvency proceeding request must be accompanied by all the documents deemed necessary to prove the existence of an insolvency state, such as annual accounts, balance sheets, audit report, payment requests, constraints, embargoes, debt certificates from the Treasury and Social Security etc… In addition, the legislative text lists which documents must […]
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Legal persons’ criminal liability. Procedural issu […] Legal persons’ criminal liability. Procedural issues.

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Fondo claro
The new criminal liability version since the approval of the Organic Law 5/2010 of the 23rd of June, attributes the possibility that the legal person may be charged in accordance with the provisions in Article 31bis of the Criminal Code and consequently may be sentenced under the terms of Articles 33.7 and 66 bis of […]
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When does it consider the existence worker’s illeg […] When does it consider the existence worker’s illegal transfer?

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Fondo oscuro
It is increasingly common for companies to organize the development of their business activity, through figures known as outsourcing. This term implies a cost reduction and limitation of liability of the “client company”, to which such services are provided, derived from the labour relations with the persons providing those external services from which they benefit, […]
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