Month: November 2020

The promissory note in asset acquisition operation […] The promissory note in asset acquisition operations.

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Fondo oscuro
The promissory note is an instrument used oftentimes in international operations for asset acquisitions, by virtue of which one part (issuer) undertakes to finance the other (beneficiary) a certain amount of money. Although the common thing is that the promissory note makes the funds available in favour of the beneficiary upon prior fulfilment of certain […]
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The appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. The appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

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Fondo oscuro
The European Court of Human Rights (also known as the Strasbourg Court) is the Court intended to prosecute, the possible violations of rights avowed in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, by the member States of the Convention. The guaranteed rights are listed in the stated Convention ant the […]
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